

Novelistic conversation is generally pared-back, focused and to the point, so it’s unlike real-life chat or TV-script-style talking. Anywhere your conversation reads like ordinary blow-by-blow chit-chat, or is incredibly detailed and contains lots of explanation, or goes on for a…

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Immersion Technique versus World Building


World-building is great fun for us writers, but if we put too much of it on the page, it can get a little bit heavy for readers. Readers want to connect with a vibrant story set in the world a…

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This article supports ‘Voice & Style’ month for the international Ultimate Novel Writing Course, Jericho Writers. 


Genre is a terrific tool for labelling fiction. It’s vital to publishers’ marketing strategies, and it also helps us writers understand what to deliver…

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Love, Death and Magic



Three places where the prose slows down: love, death, and magic.


Editorial is often about paring things back. It might mean removing unnecessary words, sentences or even paragraphs which seem to slow a story down. It could mean reducing dialogue…

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Writing Sex in fiction: a Complete Guide


When a Jericho Writers blog on 'writing sex' arrived in my inbox this morning, I just knew I had to share. It's written by Jacqueline Silvester, and it answers all those questions aspiring debut authors might feel awkward about asking. 

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How long should a debut novel ideally be? 

The feedback I’ve had recently from literary agents is that they prefer debut novels to be no longer than 80-90,000 words in length. This is because agents know from experience that long debut novels often contain too many characters, too…

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Point of View 

Which POV?


Point of view (POV) refers to the angle from which a story is told. To follow are some useful tips and resources for choosing which POV would be best for your novel or short story. 

I - first…

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